Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Nautilus Chrome 70 Degree Shoulder with 250 pound weight stack

Nautilus Chrome 70 Degree Shoulder Machine.  Simulates an overhead press movement with resistance applied directly to the upper arm (bicep) throughout the range of motion.  In a traditional overhead press movement, whether it be on the Nautilus Overhead Press Machine, a barbell, or dumbbells, the resistance is applied directly to the palm of each hand.  As a result, the triceps are very actively involved in the overhead pressing movement.  Because the triceps are much weaker than the shoulder muscles (deltoids), in a maximum effort on the overhead press movement, the triceps will reach failure before the shoulders do, forcing the lifter to discontinue the exercise long before the shoulders have been properly stimulated.  Therefore, the overhead press exercise is an inferior exercise for developing the shoulders.  This Nautilus 70 degree shoulder exercise, because it applies the resistance directly to the upper arms, allows the shoulder muscles to be isolated and trained to failure for maximum stimulation because the triceps have been eliminated from the equation (they are no longer involved because the resistance has been redirected to the arms rather than the palms).  In addition to isolating the deltoids, this machine also provides for a greater range of motion.  While raising the resistance (pads fit into the crooks of the arms with palms turned upward towards the ceiling), the deltoids are allowed to contract until the pads touch together overhead with the head tilted back at the top of the movement.  This is a much greater contraction than can be achieved, even with dumbbells.  Furthermore, with dumbbells, there is very little resistance being applied to the deltoids at this critical point of full muscular contraction, as most of the resistance is being applied to the triceps or worse, being supported exclusively by the bone structure of the arm while in a fully locked out position, enabling the deltoids to rest momentarily, which takes us further away from our goal of bringing the deltoids to full muscular failure, which produces maximum stimulation for growth.  The traditional overhead press exercise does not provide adequate stretching of the deltoids either, as the upward motion resumes after the weight is brought back to shoulder height.  With the Nautilus 70 degree shoulder isolation exercise, the resistance drops well below the shoulder height and provides a deep stretch for not only improved flexibility, but more adequate strength development, as this last few degrees range of motion is never tapped into by the traditional overhead press.  In summary, this machine provides the advantages of fuller range of motion at both the top and bottom of the movement when compared to traditional overhead pressing.  Additionally, it allows the training subject to reach true muscular failure in the shoulders since the triceps have been eliminated from the exercise and the shoulders have been isolated.

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